Brendan - Brian

Brendan - BrianThe first part of an exciting multi-media event at our new venue for 2015, the RADA Studio Theatre, will feature a screening of the documentary film An Godfather, about legendary Leitrim fiddle player and great friend of all of us at the Festival, Bryan Rooney.

Actor and fiddler Brendan Gleeson, who cites Bryan as one of his musical heros, uncovers the extraordinary story of Brian’s life and music, from the late 1960s, when, at the age of 16, he emigrated to London to find work in construction, to his achieving global recognition within the Irish music world.

With wonderful music providing the underlying sound track to Bryan’s life, the film charts how he came to be recognised as one of the master fiddlers of his generation, who brought the heart of the tradition with him to London, took good care of it and handed it on to subsequent generations.

Not to be missed.

Sunday 25th October

Documentary film screening

* ‘An Godfather’ – Bryan Rooney

5pm ¤ The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) Studio Theatre ¤ £5 

Buy Tickets Here
