Sunday 29th: Quiz with Mick Mulvey



Sunday 29th at 5pm: Quiz: Mick Mulvey (free tickets available via Eventbrite)

ate and time

Sunday 27th October 2024, 17:00


A great success in 2023, this is the 2nd year of the Festival Quiz.


Up to 10 teams of 3-6 people 6 rounds of 10 questions over approximately 1 hour You can reserve free tickets through or sign up on the day

The Ivy Suite, The Crown Hotel (5pm – FREE ticket can be reserved in advance)

A new idea to entertain our festival-goers – Remember, during lockdown, those great online Trad Quizzes?… well…why not have a Trad Quiz at the Festival?…and why not make it a table quiz? So, are you a bit of a tradhead? A bit of a traditional Irish music aficionado? Well, why not test that claim… Prizes: tickets to Return to London Town Festival 2025 and a chance to get your team name on the perpetual Quiz Trophy! So in between the jigs and the reels and all the other magical events on Sunday afternoon, if you fancy a challenge instead of propping up the bar, get a couple of buddies and sign up for an hour… Or just pop down on your own and we’ll find you a team!